One of most recurring guests, Dave Rudden, is back for another Xmas episode of the series, and this episode is quite an emotional roller coaster! We go from last minute shopping to burning trees to accidental grifts to town pariahs to Jeopardy to thievery all in the span of 22 minutes! All that, plus Tickle Me Krusty, undercoating, and vitamin money in this festive episode (no matter what time of year you listen)!
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Marge gets a new job, Homer gets a new car, and Lionel Hutz makes his final speaking appearance in this very eventful podcast! And we're joined by the funny and informative Adam H. Johnson of the Citations Needed podcast! We chat about owning a home, getting arms cut off, and enjoying government social programs all in this eventful episode! Celebrate Phil Hartman with us and listen now!
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We're doing the full first King of the Hill in the Talking Simpsons! And you can only hear it if you are a subscriber at ! Sign up now and hear TalKing of the Hill, plus all our other great Patreon exclusives!
This week we're joined once again by Ian Jones-Quartey, the creator of OK K.O.! Let's Be Heroes and animation expert, to chat all about Lisa navigating the worlds of science and religion! After discovering an angel skeleton, the entire town is in an uproar about a religious quandary, before they get scared of the possible end times! Listen now (but be careful not to injure your boating arm)!
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Our funny friend Shivam Bhatt (co-host of the Commanderin' podcast) returns, and he's here to share his knowledge of Hindu weddings and religion in this week's podcast! Apu is the focus of another episode, where he lies to his mother to avoid an arranged marriage. Will the lie set him free or will Homer's many schemes hurt the hotblooded bachelor? Listen now for laughs and knowledge!
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This podcast is brought to you by the streaming network VRV: home to cartoons, anime, and so much more! Visit to sign up for your FREE 30-day trial and kick a little money back to your friends at the Talking Simpsons Network!